Jul 19, 20194 min

Area 51... Anyone Wanna Carpool?

Updated: May 5, 2020


-“Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” was created by a publicly shared chain of events

-Social media and the Internet have throttled us into a state of hyperconnectivity

-Hyperconnectivity allows for validation of beliefs

The discovery that we are not alone in this universe would be the greatest discovery we’ve ever made as humans. The idea alone has sparked an endless curiosity that yearns for the experience of something “out of this world” (yeah I’m punny… what about it?).

Currently making its way through the cable news cycles is a Facebook group created anonymously called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us”. The group’s title pretty much says it all. As I am writing this, there are currently 1.6 million Facebook users who say they’re attending the event September 20th at 3AM with another 1.2 million users who say they’re interested. There’s even a website for the event where you can buy an “I survived Area 51” T-shirt. The creation of this group might be anonymous, but I have a theory as to how and why it was created in the first place.

The event gained a lot of traction in the first week of July, but in the last year or two, some compelling extraterrestrial stories have surfaced and have been disseminated throughout online networks. I believe that the spark to this firestorm occurred about a month ago on June 20th when Joe Rogan had Bob Lazar on his podcast. Bob Lazar went on Joe Rogan’s podcast with Jeremy Corbell at the end of June, reviving the infamous Bob Lazar story from the 80s. The podcast received millions of views and directed people to Corbell’s film on Netflix. I believe that after people watched the film, convincing evidence fueled the audience so much so that a “Storm Area 51” event was then created on Facebook.

- Before we go any further, let me shed some context on the situation at hand. -

Bob and Joe got connected through Jeremy Corbell, a documentary filmmaker who made Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers which premiered on Netflix, December 8, 2018. After I watched the podcast episode, I immediately cued up Corbell’s film on Netflix. I’m not a betting man, but if I had to, I’d bet that at least 75% of the people who tuned in for the podcast did the exact same thing.

If you haven’t been following the Bob Lazar story, I strongly recommend catching up because it’s just flat out fascinating. But I’ll lay out some of the main details. Bob Lazar was a young post-graduate with promising talent as a physicist when he was offered a job at S-4, a US military base just outside Area 51. I can’t go into the whole story because it’s way too long, but more or less, Bob claimed he worked on alien technology that could emit its own gravitational field without any wired or hardware connections.

Eventually, Bob was let go from his job due to the volatile state that his marriage had developed into. He was also making matters worse when he started taking friends and his video camera out to the boundaries of the S-4 test site to document alien spacecraft tests which he knew happened regularly. Special ops quickly caught Bob and his friends but for some odd reason, they released all of them on the same night. Scared for his safety, Bob started getting into the public eye with TV interviews.

Bob Lazar explained to every TV host that these interviews were his insurance policy. Eventually, he was so well known that his disappearance would point directly to the US government. Like I said, Bob’s story is fascinating and Corbell’s film does a great job at telling that story.

About a week after seeing both the film and the podcast, I was looking on Netflix for another Bob Lazar-esque film and just so happened to stumble across another documentary called Unacknowledged, which was released 2 years ago on April 24, 2017. It, too, lays out evidence for similar crafts moving through the sky just as Bob Lazar had claimed. The film uses strong evidence such as video and unclassified documents that suggest the US government is hiding a huge discovery from the public.

We need to point out a crucial detail from all of this: immediate access to desired information. A few taps on the keys, a couple clicks of the mouse and BOOM… top secret government projects immediately exposed to the public. And social media is the perfect tool for disseminating this information across public networks. Once there were a few Bob Lazar memes seen floating around social media, it was pretty much a done deal that something like “Storm Area 51” would manifest itself.

Now, we see that there was a clear path taken to the creation of “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” that was made possible only through the immediate access to seamless connectivity through social media and the Internet.

This is the power we now have. Anyone can make a social profile or “company” or event online. What’s amazing is that even just 50 years ago, we had no such opportunity. Fifty years ago, beliefs such as the belief that the US government has UFOs was easy discredit and dismiss due to a lack of connectivity. Today, you can post about beliefs such as these and find someone else halfway around the world who believes the same thing. Instead of thinking you’re the only crazy one, you now have a vast network where you can validate your beliefs.

Whether you believe in aliens or not, whether you even think the “Storm Area 51” event will take place or not, the one thing we can all agree to take away from this is that our current state of hyperconnectivity can unite and organize at least 1.6 million people who thought they were the only crazy ones.


McKendry Bade